Threshing objectives
1. Separate the sterilised fruits from sterilised bunch stalks by beating the fruit.
2. Maintain the oil looses and kernel losses at below the recommended level.
3. Provide a well distributed beating area on the fruit.
Principle of Drum Stripper
The machine consists of a long horizontal cylindrical drum which is rotating. The sterilised bunch are fed in continuously at one end and stalks pass out continuously at the other end. The surface of the drum is made up of tee-bars running parallel to the axis of the cylinder and spaced far enough apart to permit the escape of fruit and wouldn’t let the stalk from passing out between them.
The rate of rotation can be calculated with the formula below.
n = 40 x sqrt((D-d)/2)/(D-d)
n = rpm
D = thresher diameter
D = fruit bunch diameter
The rpm of the drum need to be in the value that the bunches of normal size are lifted by centrifugal action, assisted by lifting bars fitted to the inside of the drum.The lifting bars are arranged in the way that slanted to let the bunch flow to the outward direction each it fall. Once the bunches reach the top of the drum, then they will fall freely, passing approximately through the axis of the drum and strike the bottom with sufficient force to dislodge much of the fruit. The fruit passes out between the tee-bars and fall into a screw conveyor. The bunch is then lifted up and fall again, this process repeated to the numbers of times that all the fruits are remove from the bunch and the stalk gradually move to the end of the drum and drops out.
Figure 1: First drum thresher’s lift bar position
Figure 2: Second drum thresher’s lift bar position
Auto Feeder

The bunch feeder is where the sterilised bunch will be drop into from the cages by the crane. In the auto feeder, the bunches will be moving into the thresher by chain. Bunch feeder is to allow the bunches to be move continuously and dropped at a constant rate into the thresher so that the thresher wouldn’t be overloaded. This can prevent the lifting bar and the shaft from being broken easily and increase the effectiveness of threshing process. By using bunch feeder, we are able to set the amount of bunches and its rate of dropping by changing the rpm of the feeder chain.
Figure 3: Autofeeder loaded with sterilised bunches
Operation of Hoist
Hoist crane is the mechanism to lift the cages and pour the sterilised bunches to the bunch feeder. The hoist is controlled by manual. There are 2 axis directional control and 1 for rolling the cage over to drop the bunches in the cages.
There are 3 hoist in this mill. All of them are rated with 6 tonnes maximum load. One of the crane has rated power of 17.8kw and 20kw for the other 2.
Main part of Hoist
1. Chain sprocket dan Rotary chain (tilt-up dan tilt-down)
2. Hook frame
3. Wire rope
4. Wire drum
5. Traveling motor/gear box
6. Tilt up-tilt down motor/gear box
7. I – Beam (trail for travelling forward and backward)
8. Coil Spring cable
9. Wire rope pulley
Crane action:
Time (seconds):
| ||||||||||||
Locating the chain on the cage
| ||||||||||||
Lifting the cage to the autofeeder
| ||||||||||||
Rotating the cage to pour the bunches
| ||||||||||||
Lower the cage and release on the trail
| ||||||||||||
Figure 5: Operation of hoist crane
Safety feature of the Hoist crane
The are brake system in the crane. When the operator is not moving or release the control stick, the crane will stop at the position. This ensure that the crane would not easily out of control due to human error.
Beside that, when operating the crane, it should be slow especially when lifting the cage off the ground. When lifting the cage that is far from the threshing station, the cage should be lifted in the way that it goes toward the the station in low height then only lift up to the autofeeder. If the cage is swinging, the operator should put the cage down to the ground first, make sure it is stable and lift it up again. Every morning, there will be checking on the cages to make sure the cages are in good condition as it won’t slip when the chain is holding the cage. The cages that are broken or needed maintenance, it will be put at the side to be repair.
There are a few type of conveyor used in this mill. Conveyor is used to transport the medium such as fruit, EFB, kernel, shell or fibre produced from EFB from one location to another, even on different level. Conveyor systems allow quick and efficient transportation for different type of materials. It greatly reduce the need of human labour.
Scrapper conveyor:
Made up of bar, roller, bushings, sidebars and pins. The chains is moving the bars and the bars will push the medium it carry.
Figure 6: Component of chain on conveyor
Screw conveyor:
A screw conveyor is a mechanism that uses a rotating helical screw blade, within a tube, It is used to transport the fruits in this mill. They are used in horizontal or incline way.
Hard Bunch & USB
Hard Bunch is the bunch that have most of the fruit (80%) still attached to the bunch and the unstripped bunch (USB) is the bunch that contain 30% of the fruit on the bunch after threshing. The stalks which still have fruits attached even after they passed through the stripper are hard bunches or unstripped bunches(USB). The reason for the fruit remaining in the stalk is inadequate sterilisation. The sterilisation conditions are chosen based on the condition of the majority of the bunches. So some bunches which are under ripe or abnormal in some other way may require long sterilising time than average to allow them to strip completely. The amount of hard bunch is tolerated at below 3%. There will be one worker checking at the bunches that is threshed to find out the bunches that are no fully stripped. The unstripped bunches will be throw back to the cage and to be resterilised. The grading of the hard bunch and USB will be 2 hours interval and 100 sample will be checked.
Figure 7: Hard bunch
Figure 8: USB
EFB press
During threshing and sterilizing, they will be a certain amount of oil being absorbed by the calyx leaves and the stalk. The loss of oil absorbed can be affected by the sterilising condition and stripper. Prolonged sterilising will increase oil loss and the delay between sterilising and stripping will give extra time for oil to be absorbed. The purpose of EFB press is to reclaim the oil by squeezing the EFB. This increase amount of oil produce by ensuring that every last bit of oil is being extracted from the EFB and nothing goes to waste. This is a very important process as it will increase the OER of the mill.
Figure 9: Top layout view of thresher and EFB press station
Hard bunch USB:
There amount of hard bunch and USB after threshing appeared to be differ for each batch of sterilised bunches based on my observation.This means that sterilising condition greatly influence the result of the sterilised bunches. To reduce the amount of bar bunch and USB, sterilise condition must be well controlled at optimize condition.
Besides, design of thresher drum also affected the number of USB and hard bunch produced. The table below is the result taken from 200 samples of each of the thresher at 4.15pm 21th July 2015. The bunches are from steriliser number 4.
Both of the threshers are having different desgin on the drum. This show that the drum design for the threshers influence that result of USB and Hard bunch produced. The 2nd thresher show the amount of both USB and Hard bunch produced is more the the 3rd thresher. So the 3rd thresher’s dru m design appeared to be more effective in stipping the bunches.
Hi Mr Xavier, can you pls advise the factor 40 from the rpm formula? Do you have any derivation on that ? Pls advise
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